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What are the most surprising false friends in Italian visualisation

What are the most surprising false friends in Italian

False friends when learning Italian: What are the most surprising false friends in Italian

False friends in Italian can be quite surprising and may lead to misunderstandings for English speakers. Here are some notable examples of these “faux amis” that you should be aware of:

1. Camera

  • Italian Meaning: Room (e.g., “camera da letto” means bedroom).
  • English False Friend: Camera (a device for taking photographs) 1.

2. Actually vs. Attualmente

  • Italian Meaning: “Attualmente” means currently or at present.
  • English False Friend: Actually (used to express a fact or reality) 1.

3. Parent

  • Italian Meaning: “Parente” refers to a relative, not specifically a parent.
  • English False Friend: Parent (mother or father) 1.

4. Eventually vs. Eventualmente

  • Italian Meaning: “Eventualmente” means possibly or if necessary.
  • English False Friend: Eventually (at some point in the future) 1.

5. Confetti

  • Italian Meaning: Sugared almonds, often given at weddings or celebrations.
  • English False Friend: Confetti (small bits of paper thrown at celebrations) 1.

6. Education vs. Educazione

  • Italian Meaning: “Educazione” refers to manners or upbringing.
  • English False Friend: Education (formal schooling or learning) 1.

7. Largo

  • Italian Meaning: Wide.
  • English False Friend: Large (the correct Italian word for large is “grande”) 3.

8. Educato

  • Italian Meaning: Polite.
  • English False Friend: Educated (the correct Italian word is “colto” or “istruito”) 3.

9. Bravo

  • Italian Meaning: Good or clever.
  • English False Friend: Brave (the correct Italian word is “coraggioso”) 3.

10. Succedere

  • Italian Meaning: To happen or occur.
  • English False Friend: To succeed (the correct Italian phrase is “riuscire a”) 3.

These false friends highlight the importance of context and careful study when learning Italian vocabulary. Misinterpreting these words can lead to humorous or confusing situations, so it’s worth memorizing their true meanings!


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