What are the most common Japanese phrases for beginners
For beginners learning Japanese, mastering common phrases is essential for basic communication and understanding the culture. Below is a list of some of the most common Japanese phrases for beginners, categorized for ease of learning:
Basic Greetings
- こんにちは (Konnichiwa): Hello/Good afternoon
- おはようございます (Ohayou gozaimasu): Good morning (formal)
- こんばんは (Konbanwa): Good evening
- さようなら (Sayounara): Goodbye
- おやすみなさい (Oyasuminasai): Good night
Polite Expressions
- ありがとうございます (Arigatou gozaimasu): Thank you (formal)
- どういたしまして (Dou itashimashite): You’re welcome
- すみません (Sumimasen): Excuse me/Sorry/Thank you (depending on context)
- ごめんなさい (Gomen nasai): I’m sorry
- お願いします (Onegaishimasu): Please (used when making a request)
- はじめまして (Hajimemashite): Nice to meet you
- 私の名前は [Name] です (Watashi no namae wa [Name] desu): My name is [Name]
- よろしくお願いします (Yoroshiku onegaishimasu): Please treat me well/Nice to meet you
Common Questions
- お元気ですか?(Ogenki desu ka?): How are you?
- これは何ですか?(Kore wa nan desu ka?): What is this?
- いくらですか?(Ikura desu ka?): How much is it?
- どこですか?(Doko desu ka?): Where is it?
Daily Use Phrases
- はい (Hai): Yes
- いいえ (Iie): No
- わかりません (Wakarimasen): I don’t understand
- わかりました (Wakarimashita): I understand
- もう一度お願いします (Mou ichido onegaishimasu): Please say it again
Travel and Dining
- メニューをください (Menyuu o kudasai): Can I have the menu, please?
- 水をください (Mizu o kudasai): Water, please
- お会計お願いします (Okaikei onegaishimasu): The check, please
- 駅はどこですか?(Eki wa doko desu ka?): Where is the station?
These phrases are foundational for beginners and cover various everyday situations. Practice them regularly to build confidence in speaking Japanese!
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