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Are there any online resources or quizzes for learning Russian false friends visualisation

Are there any online resources or quizzes for learning Russian false friends

False friends when learning Russian: Are there any online resources or quizzes for learning Russian false friends

There are several online resources and quizzes available for learning Russian false friends, which are words that look or sound similar in English and Russian but have different meanings. Here are some notable options:

  1. Hack Your Russian: This platform offers a comprehensive guide to Russian-English false friends and cognates. It includes a list of false friends and provides a test to assess your understanding of these tricky words 1, 6.

  2. ELT Concourse: This site provides a multiple-choice exercise specifically focused on Russian false friends, allowing learners to test their knowledge by choosing the correct meanings of words 4.

  3. RussianPod101: This resource provides lessons on Russian-English false friends, helping learners understand these words through real lessons conducted by teachers 5.

  4. Ready Russian: Offers detailed explanations of various Russian-English false friends, illustrating how these words differ in meaning despite their similar appearances in both languages 3.

These resources provide both educational content and interactive quizzes to help learners effectively navigate the complexities of Russian false friends.


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