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What are some common false friends in Russian and English visualisation

What are some common false friends in Russian and English

False friends when learning Russian: What are some common false friends in Russian and English

False friends are words in two different languages that look or sound similar but have different meanings. Here are some common false friends between Russian and English:

  1. Магазин (Magazin)

    • In Russian, “магазин” means “store” or “shop,” while in English, “magazine” refers to a publication 1, 2.
  2. Шеф (Shef)

    • In Russian, “шеф” means “boss” or “chief,” not a chef who cooks food in a kitchen 2.
  3. Костюм (Kostyum)

    • In Russian, “костюм” typically means a suit (formal attire), though it can also refer to costumes in specific contexts. In English, “costume” often refers to outfits for performances, Halloween, or themed events 2.
  4. Дата (Data)

    • In Russian, “дата” means “date” (as in a calendar date), not “data,” which refers to information 2.
  5. Облигация (Obligatsiya)

    • In Russian, this word means “bond” (a financial instrument), while in English, it might be confused with “obligation,” which refers to a duty or responsibility 2.
  6. Артист (Artist)

    • In Russian, “артист” usually refers to an actor or performer, not necessarily an artist who creates visual art 4.
  7. Фамилия (Familiya)

    • In Russian, this word means “last name” or “surname,” whereas in English, it might be mistaken for “family” 4.
  8. Аккуратный (Akkuratnyy)

    • This Russian word means “neat” or “tidy,” not “accurate,” as it might appear 4.
  9. Актуальный (Aktual’nyy)

    • In Russian, this word means “relevant” or “topical,” not “actual,” which refers to something real or factual in English 4.
  10. Проспект (Prospekt)

    • In Russian, this word typically refers to a large avenue or boulevard, not a prospect in the sense of a potential opportunity or likelihood 4.

Understanding these false friends is crucial for avoiding misunderstandings when learning Russian or communicating across these languages!


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