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What are some common false friends in Spanish visualisation

What are some common false friends in Spanish

False friends when learning Spanish: What are some common false friends in Spanish

False friends, or “falsos amigos,” are words in Spanish and English that look or sound similar but have different meanings. Here are some common examples:

  1. Embarazada vs. Embarrassed

    • Embarazada means “pregnant,” not “embarrassed.” The correct word for “embarrassed” in Spanish is avergonzada 1, 2.
  2. Éxito vs. Exit

    • Éxito means “success,” while “exit” translates to salida in Spanish 1, 2.
  3. Librería vs. Library

    • Librería refers to a “bookstore,” not a “library.” The Spanish word for library is biblioteca 2, 5.
  4. Realizar vs. Realize

    • Realizar means “to carry out” or “to fulfill,” not “to realize.” To express “realize” in Spanish, you would use darse cuenta 2, 5.
  5. Simpático vs. Sympathetic

    • Simpático means “kind” or “nice,” not “sympathetic.” The correct translation for sympathetic is comprensivo 2.
  6. Fábrica vs. Fabric

    • Fábrica means “factory,” not “fabric.” Fabric in Spanish is tela 2.
  7. Parientes vs. Parents

    • Parientes refers to “relatives,” not “parents.” Parents in Spanish are padres 3, 5.
  8. Constipado vs. Constipated

    • Constipado means “stuffed up” (as in having a cold), while “constipated” translates to estreñido in Spanish 5.
  9. Red vs. Red

    • In Spanish, red means “net,” such as a fishing net or internet network, not the color red (rojo) 5.
  10. Actual vs. Actual

    • Actual in Spanish means “current” or “present,” while the English word “actual” translates to real or verdadero in Spanish 2.
  11. Soportar vs. Support

    • Soportar means “to tolerate” or “to put up with,” not to support someone emotionally or financially (which would be apoyar) 4, 5.
  12. Sensato vs. Sensible

    • Sensato means “sensible” (practical), while the English word “sensible” translates to sensible, meaning sensitive in Spanish 5.

These false cognates can easily lead to misunderstandings when learning or speaking Spanish, so it’s essential to recognize their true meanings!


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