What are some common false friends in Ukrainian
False friends when learning Ukrainian: What are some common false friends in Ukrainian
False friends are words that look or sound similar in different languages but have different meanings. In Ukrainian, there are several common false friends when compared to English or other languages. Here are some examples:
Data (Дані)
- In Ukrainian, “дані” translates to “data” in English. However, the word “дата” in Ukrainian means “date” (as in a calendar date), not data 1.
Chef (Шеф)
- In Ukrainian, “шеф” refers to a boss or superior (like a CEO), whereas the English word “chef” means a professional cook. The correct term for a chef in Ukrainian is “шеф-кухар” 1.
Magazine (Магазин)
- In Ukrainian, “магазин” means a store or shop, not a magazine. The word for a magazine in Ukrainian is “журнал” 1.
Obligation (Облігація)
- While “зобов’язання” means obligation in Ukrainian, the word “облігація” refers to a bond (a financial instrument) 1.
Costume (Костюм)
- In Ukrainian, “костюм” typically refers to a suit (formal attire), although it can sometimes mean a costume for events like Halloween or national costumes 1.
Mist (Міст)
- The Ukrainian word “міст” translates to “bridge” in English, while the English word “mist” means fog or haze. The equivalent of mist in Ukrainian is “туман” 2.
Insult (Інсульт)
- In Ukrainian, “інсульт” means a stroke (a medical condition), not an insult. To insult someone in Ukrainian would be expressed differently 2.
Fabric (Фабрика)
- The Ukrainian word “фабрика” means factory, not fabric as in material or cloth 2.
- In Czech, “sklep” refers to a basement or cellar, but in Ukrainian, it means a tomb or crypt. The correct term for basement in Ukrainian is “підвал” 3.
Vypadat (Випадати)
- In Czech, “vypadat” means to look like or appear as something. However, in Ukrainian, “випадати” means to fall out from somewhere 3.
These examples highlight how similar-sounding words can lead to confusion across languages due to their different meanings!